11294507073_894684a120_mIf you’re connected to any form of media, then you know that oil pulling is all the rage.

So where did it come from? 

While oil pulling is a huge trend among celebrities and on social media, it’s been used as an ancient Ayurvedic dental remedy for over 3,000 years.  Oil pulling — which consists of swishing any pure oil in your mouth for 20 minutes per day — is credited for boosting oral health, whitening teeth, detoxifying the body, and improving your complexion.

Sounds too good to be true, right?

Actually, it’s not. Dentists and doctors alike have been promoting the craze, nearly as much as some of our favorite celebs. In a My Fox Chicago article released earlier this month, Dr. Jessica Emery, DMD of Sugar Fix Dental Loft Chicago, credited the practice for helping eliminate bacteria in the mouth.

As you swish the oil around in your mouth, toxins and bacteria are pulled out of your body and trapped in the oil. This boosts not only your oral health, but all of the other physical benefits we mentioned. What many people don’t realize is that all parts of the body are connected. By removing toxins in your mouth, you’re going to notice results in other parts of your health, too.

In addition to whitening your teeth and clearing your skin, oil pulling is known for increasing energy, preventing migraines, and asthma. As always, check with your doctor or dentist before trying it.

• If you’re going to try this at home make sure you use a “pure” oil. We recommend unrefined coconut oil — not only does it taste good but its texture is a bit more tolerable
• If you feel stressed for time, try oil pulling in the morning while you’re getting ready, it’s a good way to get some much needed me time
• After you finish, make sure to spit it into the trash can rather than the sink or toilet — remember: oil can pack up the plumbing!

Photo by: Jessica Mullen  – via Flickr