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Every month we like to focus on one client that makes a difference in our lives.  It could be their positive attitude, their free-spirit or the fact that they are just goofball’s that keep us laughing every time we see them.

Today, we get to share with our readers a bit about Stacey Campbell, someone who we at TeamSTIL consider a close friend.

TeamSTIL:  “Stacey, we never talk about your work.  Tell us about what you do?”

SC:  I work at a software company where I am Director of Change Management.  That means I identify risks and issues and how to deal with them.

I enjoy it as I get to work with some awesome people.  In my spare time, I write children’s books though!

TeamSTIL:  What do you like best about Chicago?

SC:  Well, having lived in New York, Los Angeles and Chicago – I feel what I like best about Chicago is you’ve got the best of both worlds.  You’ve got all the benefits and fun things to do in a big city but you still get to enjoy folksiness that comes with Midwestern roots.  I like the mix of that with cosmopolitan culture.

TeamSTIL:    What’s the best meal you’ve had recently at a Chicago establishment?

SC:  ING.  Loved it.  It was ten courses with ten personalized pairings.  What more can you ask for?  The great thing about food is, it’s not just about the food, it’s about getting to enjoy it with cool people.  That makes the difference between a good meal and a great meal.  But, yes, check out ING.

TeamSTIL:  The weather is warming up, what are your recommendations as the best way to spend a Saturday in the spring in the city?:

SC:  If you have dogs, take them to the lake!  There is something energizing and peaceful all at the same time about that.  Now if you don’t have dogs – my recommendation is to take advantage of all the festivals that begin around spring time.  It’s the best.

TeamSTIL: What’s one place or event in Chicago you hear great things about but have yet to try?

SC:  Alinea.  I’ve been wanting to go there.  Not sure how to even get a reservation.  The place sounds pretty fancy.

TeamSTIL:  Can you tell us about your book?

SC:  Sure.  The book is available on Amazon, and it’s called “Make Your Own Fun!”  It’s more about a message that I wanted to give kids and people in general.  When we were growing up we certainly didn’t have all the digital stuff that kids have today.  When we looked bored, whined or complained, our grandparents and parents would say, “Make your own fun!”  Seemed simple enough at the time – but when I grew up, I realized what a great lesson that was.  It’s really up to each of us to determine our own happiness.  It works.

TeamSTIL:  What is a challenge you’ve faced recently in your line of work, and how did you overcome it?

SC:  I travel a lot for work and so things can get pretty hectic.  Finding a sense of balance is always important, because if you don’t it can affect your productivity and you can burn out.  I started feeling that way and then I set a goal of not letting it happen again.  I work hard to take time out for myself.  It keeps things on pace.  That’s why I come here (STIL Salon) after all!

TeamSTIL:  If you could give the 20-year-old version of yourself one piece of advice, what would it be?

SC:  I would tell my 20-year-old self not to worry too much and not to take things too seriously.

It pays to slow down and not move too fast.

TeamSTIL:  That’s good advice.